Saturday, March 15, 2008


I have been tagged by Tiffany: ABC'S OF ME!

A- Attached or Single: Attached
B- Best Friend: I have some wonderful friends and love them to pieces... I don't want to single
any of them out as my best friends.. They may get upset with me!
C- Cake or Pie: Oh, this is hard!! I would like one of each ,Please!!
D- Day of Choice: Thursday... I guess because it is close to Friday and I may have things together by then..
E- Essential Item: Chapstick, Lotion, Cellphone, $1.00, comfortable shoes...
F- Flavor of Ice Cream: Orange Sherbert at Superior Dairy..
G- Gummy Bears or Worms: Gummy Bears for sure.. I don't do worms...
H- Hometown: Clovis, California
I- Indulgences: Hair Products, ... I don't really indulge too much... I don't have to own the latest and greatest.. I am all about good deals!!
J- January or July: Oh, that is hard... My birthday is in January but, after christmas it is the big let-down month for me.. July is soooo hot here that I can't wait till it is over... Probably July because we usually vacation more at that time so we can go where it is cooler...
K- Kids: 4 girls, 2 boys.. ALL PRECIOUS!!
L- Last Movie seen in theaters: P.S. I love you! We usually see lots of movies.. I guess we haven't seen many lately!
M- Marriage Date: June 27, 1981
N- Number of Siblings: 4
O- Oranges of Apples: Definitely Oranges... I am obsessed!!
P- Phobias or Fears: Don't ask my Kids this one.. They get a big kick out of me... Heights,
anything claustrophobic, scary rollercoasters, escalators, snakes... The list goes on....
Q- Quote: Oh, I love quotes and refer to them often.. I love quote books and have quite a few..
but, sadly I am getting old because I can't seem to remember them... "We are such stuff as dreams are made on".... (William Shakespeare)
R- Reason to smile- Beautiful weather, children laughing, kindness of people, loved.
S- Season- Autumn... but, I love Spring too...
T- Tag four- Kim, Jan, Junie Moon, Barbara.
U- Unknown fact about me- I took Baton lessons and was in a group that marched in parades..
I still can twirl that Baton... Ha!!
V- Vegetarian or oppressor of Animal: I have one Vegetarian in the house and a lot of us are not far behind... I do like my Husbands Meat cooking.. He is very good in the kitchen..
W- Worst Habit: cutting my nails too short, obsessing about things, O.K., THAT IS ENOUGH!!
X- Xrays or Ultrasounds: I don't like either... I have had both.. Probably Ultrasounds..
Y- Your favorite food: Mexican.. Just ask the people at Taco Bell... We own a share.. ha!! I do like a good Mexican place
Z- Zodiac: Capricorn...
Now, I'm done... It is your turn ladies... Have a good Weekend!!
(I am definitely boring!!!)


Jan said...

Caleen-You are just darling. If that is a picture of you on your trip with your husband with the water in the background. So cute.
I will answer your tag and I feel honored. You have a great week and hope you know how much I enjoyed reading your ABC list. You are not boring to say the least. We have been married almost the same amount of time as well. And funny note too is that I am taking a vegetarian cooking class right now. This is my 4th year. I love it. Bye

Junie Moon said...

You are not boring at all; it was so delightful to read your list of ABC items!

Unknown said...

HOW COULD someone so cute and vivacious be boring??? Not in a million trillion years!!!! I'm answering your tag right now....