"And finally, I want to acknowledge that making changes in your life is never an easy task. The key, however, is not to get caught up in the distance you have to go to get to where you want to be. Nor should you despair over the amount of control you have over your circumstances. Progress is made in the small, intentional steps, and chances are, you have more power than you think. By focusing on little steps you can take every day, the progress you make will motivate you to continue your journey, and eventually, you can go wherever you want to go. The important thing is simply to begin." (Stephen Cherniske, M.S) (Lucy MacDonald.typepad.com)
Hi.. I am going to take some time off from blogging.. I will visit all of you but, not sure I will post. I have some things on my mind and heart.. It is not time to post for a while. School is almost out in another week. I am ready for Summer. I have a great life and I am very blessed. I will not be gone for long.. Just a little break needed.. Take care Friends! Caleen
No don't go! :)
Love Caleen. You do what is best for you sweetie. Email if you need too :)
Have a great summer.
We'll miss you but we totally understand. Take care, and I'm right across the street if you need ANYTHING. :) love ya!
Well I really love looking at your blog so I can't wait for you to come back! And don't worry, I'll take care of Brooke for you **at least when you're not up here visiting** Have a wonderful summer!
I think that's a great idea. I may go on a little break soon too! Sometimes it's good to refocus and UNPLUG! and maybe even clean my house a little;)
Our prayers go with Caleen...rest and regroup!!!
Hi Caleen,
We all need a break sometime as reaching out to the blog world can be very time consuming. (yes, I do know that...) But it's amazing to find so many other's out there who let you know that you are missed!!! Take the time you need and when you are ready to come back...we'll be here!
everything vintage
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