Kenny's birthday is today. He is 11 years old. He is the last of our bunch of six..
He maybe the last child but, he definitely fits in our crazy Family. He has added a lot to our Family.. We Love him A lot!! He wanted me to make some fun decorations for a "Goosebumps Birthday"!! You see, he has all the "Goosebumps books and has read them all. Seen all the DVD's too.. He really isn't into scary or goory stuff though.
So, I didn't have a lot of time but, I tried to put something together for him. I will post it later.. I also need to post his picture.. I will do that later too.
Kenny is full of life, enthusiasm, smart, loves animals, Can memorize, recite anything. Loves games, sports, music, singing, Tv, reading.... He has a photographic memory and remembers everything,. He makes us laugh and smile.. He definitely was a great Addition to our Family..
Happy Birthday Kenny.. We are going to have a great day!!!
Happy Birthday Kenny.
My daughter turns 11 this year. This could be a set up right here right now :)
HAppy BDAY! Goodness Caleen ...u must be really tierd...there is always someone having a bday there ...hahah
miss u more!
Happy Birthday Kenny !!! Can't wait to see the pictures !!
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