If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting? Stephen Levine
I have to say, that I have thought about this to at times.. I know that my relationships with people are not always what they should be.. I hope that I have not held grudges, that I have forgiven those who have hurt me, and hope the same for those I have hurt.. I am Human and imperfect.. I make mistakes.. Yet, I believe in Forgiveness, humility, Love, Hope and Humanity..
I know who I would call.... I don't think I will tell.. I just need to make sure that I take care of my side of the street.. ya know, I just need to make sure that I have no regrets and that I have cleaned up what mess I have made.. I am grateful that I don't have to be perfect... that it is all about progression..
I Love my Life.. with all it's trials and challenges.. My Mother died about 10 years plus from the age that I am now.. I wonder what or if she would have done anything differently?! I think she did a wonderful job ...."Living Life" and whatever she had to deal with.. Never complaining, always giving love, encouragment, service and a smile :)
I guess that is how I hope to live... Not Complaining!!! Just a thought for you to think about..
(quote/picture.. Lucy Macdonald.typepad.com)
Your side of the street's not a mess! :) Thank you for the good thoughts...we all need to LIVE LIFE. finding JOY in the journey is my goal for this year...so far it's working pretty good! I have my moments though...then I read blogs like yours and it picks me right back up! thank you friend!!
I know who I'd call. Thank You for the thoughtful post. I know your mother is watching over you and proud of the sweet natured daughter she raised !! Love Ya R
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